
31 may 2021

"Tulparcard" cards are available at the "Government for Business Centre"

The Government for Business centre now provides services for the «Tulparcard» e-ticketing system.
Residents of the city will be able to exchange their broken Tulparcard cards.
Specialists also provide services for resetting blocked cards.

28 may 2021

Prices are below market rates

Regional Akim Berdybek Saparbayev visited a social shop which opened yesterday in Sholdala massif. According to businessman Patokhberdy Talipova, prices here are much lower than market prices.
In particular, dairy products are 40 tenge cheaper.

27 may 2021

A social store opened in Sholdala massif

This is the 16th social store opened in the regional centre.
The prices here are 25-30 per cent lower than the market prices. The area of the shop is 250 square metres. There are 14 dachas in the area: «Khimik», «Bereke», «Finansist», » Yubileynyi», «Veteran».

25 may 2021

One of the first to implement "Ashyq" at the "Government for Business"

«Ashyq» application was the first in the region to be introduced by the Government for Business Centre. Currently, representatives of 8 institutions serve entrepreneurs here. In particular, representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the region, Social-Entrepreneur Corporation «Taraz», microfinance organizations «Taraz», «Atameken».

20 may 2021

Growing sugar beet is also a lucrative business

Zhambyl region is one of the regions that is famous for sugar beet. Extensive work is being carried out to develop this sector. For example, the peasant farm «ANS-Agro» through JSC «Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation» Taraz «received funds in the amount of 45 500 000 tenge for the cultivation of sugar beet.

18 may 2021

Turkish company intends to grow orchards in the region

Deputy Akim of the region Almas Madiyev met with representatives of «Great Production Ltd». At the meeting issues on the project of creating a complex of intensive orchards together with JSC «Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation» Taraz» were discussed. The realization of production within the framework of this project is planned in the volume of 30% for domestic market and 70% for export.

13 may 2021

Zhambyl agrarians use water-saving technologies

The distribution of sprinkler system equipment to farmers in the region continues. Thus, for the district T. Ryskulov, as of today applications from 19 farms were accepted, 12 of which received «sprinkler systems», the other 7 entrepreneurs are planned to be issued in the near future. One of these farms was the Tulpar farm located in the district centre.

13 may 2021

Farmers in Zhualy effectively use artificial sprinkler systems

The irrigation period has started in the region. At this time, farms are purchasing sprinkler systems. For example, such devices, issued on credit through «Microfinance Organization» Taraz LLP of JSC «Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation «Taraz», are purchased by agrarians of Zhualy district.


Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127

Koygeldy Street , 173


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