Zhambyl agrarians use water-saving technologies
The distribution of sprinkler system equipment to farmers in the region continues. Thus, for the district T. Ryskulov, as of today applications from 19 farms were accepted, 12 of which received «sprinkler systems», the other 7 entrepreneurs are planned to be issued in the near future.
One of these farms was the Tulpar farm located in the district centre. Having received a sprinkler irrigation system for 6 million tenge, this farm launched the new system on May 13. Deputy Akim of the region T. Ryskulov Ergazy Yespenov and Head of the Department of Agriculture Aldibek Tuganbayev, Chief Specialist Erkebulan Rahmankul and district representative of Taraz Social-Entrepreneurial Corporation Ergali Yunisov and agrarians participated in the launch ceremony of the new equipment.
At the meeting, specialists, supplying equipment from Almaty, explained the technology of equipment operation and answered farmers’ questions.
In turn, the head of the farm «Tulpar» Beisenbay Tanbaev highly appreciated the work of equipment. He also expressed his gratitude for the support in purchasing the equipment.
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