SEBS Taraz

The mission JSC "SEBC "Taraz"
The mission JSC «SEBC «Taraz» is to promote the economic development of Zhambyl region by consolidating public and private resources, supporting and stimulating the social development of the region, and acting as an agent of regional state economic policy.
The vision JSC "SEBC "Taraz"
JSC «SEBC «Taraz» will be a regional development institution that effectively manages assets, stimulates economic activity in the region’s growth points, including by attracting investment, and acts as a catalyst for the formation of competitive, sustainable production facilities.

I. Strategic direction:
Creating conditions to stimulate economic activity in growth points.
II. Strategic direction:
Attracting investors and creating new production facilities in the region's growth points and increasing the availability of financing for agribusinesses.
III. Strategic direction:
Increasing asset value, improving corporate governance and implementing government programmes.
Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127
Koygeldy Street , 173