1. Ensuring food security within the framework of the Zhambyl region stabilisation fund.

The Akimat of Zhambyl region in cooperation with JSC "SEBC "Taraz" is working to ensure food security in the city of Taraz and Zhambyl region.

To date, the following socially important food products are sold in social pavilions and retail outlets in Taraz from the stabilization fund of JSC "SEBC "Taraz":

In addition to these types of "СЗПТ", social pavilions and retail outlets are supplied with "СЗПТ" at reduced prices from local producers:

Socially important food products are sold in retail outlets of "Vkusnaya Korzinka" LLP, IE "Firkan", as well as in 16 social pavilions, addresses are shown below:

Social pavilion delivery schedule:

2. Lending to business entities as part of the implementation of price stabilisation mechanisms for socially important food products in Zhambyl region.

As part of the implementation of mechanisms to stabilise prices for socially important consumer goods in Zhambyl region, JSC "Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation "Taraz" provides loans to business entities for the purchase and sale of socially important food products on the following terms:

In order to receive a loan under this programme, the entrepreneur must be a businessperson at the time of applying for a loan:


Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127

Koygeldy Street , 173



All rights reserved © 2021 Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation "Taraz"