8 (707) 288 27 30 -
8 (776) 600 22 79 -
Taraz city
Suleimenova 17 -
Email: -
The industrial zone is located in the industrial zone of Taraz city and Talas district. The area of the industrial zone is 204 ha.
Managing an industrial zone
The management body of the industrial zone is LLP "Management Company "Industrial Zone "Taraz", a subsidiary of JSC "SEBC "Taraz".
The investment project must meet the following criteria:
- The use of modern technology and equipment that ensures high productivity and meets environmental requirements;
- The competitiveness of the product/service;
- Export-orientation or import-substitution of products/services;
- Lack of similar products in the region;
- Good experience and reputation of the project company;
- Availability of full funding sources for the project.
Priority activities in the "ИЗ":
- An industrial zone is an area provided with engineering and communications infrastructure and provided to private entrepreneurship entities for the location and operation of business facilities, including industrial, agro-industrial, tourism industry, transport logistics and waste management facilities, as follows
Процедуры одобрения и регистрация заявителя в качестве участника индустриальной зоны
- the applicant has applied to the "ИЗ" management company to be registered as a participant in the "ИЗ";
- review by the management company of relevant documents as to: the priority of the project for location in the "ИЗ", the feasibility of the requested land plot area to the needs of the investment project, and the lack of production of similar products in Zhambyl region;
- bringing the issue before the Regional Coordinating Council ("PKC") for a positive decision on the project;
- in the case of a positive decision, the management company and the applicant sign an activity agreement and a secondary land use (sublease) agreement for the state-owned land on which the industrial zone is being established.
Requirements for an industrial zone participant to locate on the "ИЗ" territory.
For the selection of applicant projects to operate as a member of an industrial zone, the applicant shall submit an application for operating as a member of an industrial zone of republican or regional significance to the management company of the industrial zone of republican or regional significance, accompanied by the following documents:
- an applicant questionnaire in the form approved by the competent authority;
- certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal person;
- copy of the identity document of the first head of the applicant;
- a copy of the articles of association of the legal person;
- copy of the financial statements as at the last accounting date, signed by the applicant’s first or second-in-command and chief accountant (bookkeeper);
- a feasibility study for the project that meets the requirements set by the responsible authority;
- a bank statement of the applicant’s bank accounts and a credit report from a credit bureau;
- a certificate from the state revenue authority at the place of registration about the presence or absence of arrears of taxes and other compulsory payments to the budget.
If a legal entity is not a resident of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is not registered as a taxpayer of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the time of submission of documents, a copy of the certificate of absence of state registration as a taxpayer with the state revenue authorities shall be submitted.
Foreign legal entities shall submit the following legalised documents:
- certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal person;
- a copy of the articles of association of the legal person;
- a legalised extract from the commercial register or other legalised document certifying that the foreign legal entity is a legal entity under the law of a foreign state, with a notarised translation into Kazakh and Russian languages.
Project selection criteria
The selection of applicant projects to operate as a participant in a special economic zone or industrial zone shall be based on the following main criteria:
- no overdue debts on bank loans, confirmed by a bank statement on the applicant's bank accounts (absence of card files) and a credit report from a credit bureau containing all or part of the information available on the applicant's credit history;
- absence of arrears of taxes and other compulsory payments to the budget, confirmed by information from the state revenue authority at the place of registration about the presence or absence of arrears of taxes and other compulsory payments to the budget.
The selection of applicant projects to operate as a participant in a special economic zone or industrial zone shall be based on the following main criteria
- promotion of similar projects in regions other than the project region;
- Import-substituting or export-oriented focus of the project;
- implementation of an industrial innovation project.
The map:

Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127
Koygeldy Street , 173