About company

«Atameken Taraz» Microfinance Organization» LLP — with the share of НПП «Atameken» and JSC «SEBC «Taraz» in the authorized capital. Lending to small and medium-sized enterprises in order to stimulate entrepreneurship in Zhambyl region, as well as profit and capital accumulation.

The MFO «Atameken Taraz» micro-lending program is implemented within the framework of the State Programs, the main priority of which is increasing the economy in rural areas and the development of mass entrepreneurship.  

Principal activities:

from 1 000 000                             up to 5 years                                  4% and 6% p.a.

up to 58 340 000 tenge                                         

credit amount                                                  credit period                                       lending rate


Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127

Koygeldy Street , 173


All rights reserved © 2021 Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation "Taraz"