In pursuance of Article 246(10) of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Decree No. 585 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13 August 2019 «On Approval of the Rules for Organising a Single Window for Investors as well as the Procedure for Interaction in Attracting Investment», the President of Kazakhstan Order dated 24 January 2020 and Decree No. 195 of the Akimat of Zhambyl region dated 26 August 2020 «On Defining a Regional Organisation in the Field of Investment Attraction», In order to improve the investment climate in Zhambyl region by increasing the efficiency of activities to attract, support and provide public and other services to investors at the regional level, the «Bizneske arnalğan ükımet» front office for supporting investors and entrepreneurs was established in October 2020 on the basis of the JSC «SEBC «Taraz».

Project Objective:

To provide services to investors and entrepreneurs in Zhambyl region

  • «Single Window» Principle
  • Improving the investment climate
  • Increasing the efficiency of activities to attract and support investors’ projects
  • Reducing administrative barriers
  • Providing services for entrepreneurs

As of 31.08.2021


Taraz, Kazakhstan,
Abay Avenue, 127

Koygeldy Street , 173


All rights reserved © 2021 Social-Entrepreneurial Business Corporation "Taraz"